Blog Comments

  1. Leevers's Avatar
    Great blog Tirgo!
  2. NFi's Avatar
    Great blog post tirgo I'm certainly glad ur here and that your fitting in so well! Was really good catching up with you the other day n the chat we had!!
  3. Killer Squirrel's Avatar
    Tirgo we are really lucky to have you! Thanks for coming and giving us a shot. I know you have a lot of experence that you will bring to this place and I am really glad to have you!
  4. Leevers's Avatar
    Thanks for sharing Tirgo and also for the kind words! It's great to have you on board and hope you can stay with us for future games and help us grow
  5. Nitros's Avatar
    Welcome to SoX! I come from World of Warcraft myself, and having played from 2005-2010 I was defiantly of that same end game mentality with raiding and grinding out that next tier gear. Guild Wars 2 does have some tier grinding for ascended gear and the grind towards legendaries, but it is a different process compared to the months of raiding in World of Warcraft. It does take some time to figure out what to do at the end game of Guild Wars 2 but it looks like you have the idea. Unlike other games, you can do WHATEVER you want in Guild Wars 2 at the end game. You aren't just stuck with one or two options. You can even go back to areas you may have rushed through to experience more events for the story or to help friends, and still get items and money for it!!