• Forsaken World

    Welcome to Forsaken World!

    Being an avid Guild Wars player, and having played many other MMORPG games in my life, I know that ever gamer needs a break to avoid getting burned out on a game. So, to avoid smashing my forehead on my desk from boredom, I decided to search for a free MMORPG to distract me.

    To be completely honest, after the several hour download, I spent over an hour trying to finish quests. With only vague hints about locations in the quest list, and no quest arrow to follow (Guild Wars has burned it into my brain),
    I was ready to once again hit my head on the desk. Once I realized you could click on the highlighted text (my bad) your character runs to the area the person/monster is.

    Without the need to look at Forsaken World to run to a quest area, I began to play Guild Wars without paying attention to Forsaken World. So while this may have slowed down my leveling, I was still able to get to level 27 without difficulty. Now that you know my experience, lets look at some of the features of Forsaken World!

    Attachment 94

    You get a title for doing tons of things, like leveling, participating in instances, quests, race, and reputation.
    One of the titles I found fun in my short play time was the Lionheart Navy series. Through a combination of quests and instances (one of which includes firing cannons and defending a ship from water lizard/dragon things),
    I moved from a recruit, to a private, and then a Corporal. I was then able to freely display it above my character. Higher reputation leads to better titles, and access to more items from the reputation store.
    The stores sell things like Mounts, high leveled skills, and, ironically, scrolls to give you bonus reputation.

    As explained above, getting to the area where your quest takes place is easy. Actually doing the quest...just as easy. I was able to complete quests for higher level characters pretty easily. I just had to watch out for aggro'ing too many monsters.

    Thankfully, this game doesn't have a feature that fights for you, if you want to be AFK (God's War had this, I ended up 5th highest level on the new server). Questing rewards were usually simple, a bit of EXP, and some Soul Coins.
    There are 2 types of currency in this game, Soul coins, and Metal coins. Soul coins you got from selling goods, killing monsters, completing quests, and other in game activities. Metal coins were given by NPCs in exchange for certain items, that were bought from the item store, or found in high leveled quests. The Metal coins were usually only used in trade between players, but have another important use, one that annoyed me, since I wasn't going to buy anything from the item mall. It costs Metal coins to start a Guild. So I was unable to start a TG guild in FW.

    Yes, please!! This was done wonderfully. All the monsters in the instances are much harder, requiring at least 2 people to kill a normal monster, a full party of 6 to defeat the bosses. You might say to yourself, "I hate instances! They require me to wait 30 minutes spamming: GLF Monk/Priest/Healer, etc!!" Not Forsaken World! FW has an automated party making system! The party will be randomly made, but will always include: a priest, a mage, and a warrior. The other 3 slots will be filled by either another one of these 3 or a bard, assassin, vampire, or protector. This way, the parties are always balanced, and (usually) succeed, without you wasting time looking for a healer.

    While there is no AFK fighting system, there is a way to gain EXP with AFK. You can meditate in certain places and you will be able to gain EXP and Reputation points! Also, if you dont log in, you gain a certain amount of "Frozen EXP", that you can pay Soul coins to unfreeze, and then you gain bonus EXP! So if Forsaken World seems to be your kind of game, head over to fw.perfectworld.com and start your adventure!

    Official Website


    Many thanks to Jina for this awesome review!
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