8 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    put a frakking leash on Codaa.1862
  2. View Conversation
    Warning: Illegal string offset 'name' in [path]/includes/functions.php on line

    Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
    File: /home/thegamin/public_html/forums/includes/class_core.php
    Line: 5463

    Hey Squirrel,

    I get this error message on most threads I try to go on, and cant access the AC at all. Any ideas?
  3. View Conversation
    I don't see you on tonight, but I wanted to say that those guild boosts (from the upgrades section) are awesome! Last week it was the gathering upgrade, which was really useful. This week it's the magic find. I'm really noticing the difference. So, thanks!
  4. View Conversation
    Spam Spam Spam for the Squirrel !!!
  5. View Conversation
  6. View Conversation
    You chasing me? I'm in TS and Steam
  7. View Conversation
    Hey dude,
    For some reason my signature is not showing up when I post a message. Am I missing a check-box somewhere?
  8. View Conversation
    Hey this is Genocide Raven from OWN, I was hoping to be able to return to my guild, and then possible join your allaince. You can contact me ingame ussually later in the day, or by email. djxbyrne@gmail.com Thanks in advance.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
About Killer Squirrel

Basic Information

Date of Birth
February 10
About Killer Squirrel
I was born and raised in CT, USA and after getting married my wife and I moved back to her home town.
Camden, NSW, Australia
Gaming, Hockey, Guild Wars
Are you over the age of 18?
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines of The Gaming Standard?
Playstation Network
Country Flag
United States



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01-05-2014 05:56 PM
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07-02-2024 01:07 AM
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30 Friends

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View Killer Squirrel's Blog

Recent Entries

Guild Wars 2 - Races - Human

by Killer Squirrel on 03-24-2012 at 05:39 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Killer Squirrel View Post

"...we fight for our homes, our Gods, and our Queen. Nothing can break our spirit."

The humans of Tyria are an embattled race. Over the past three hundred years, they have lost much of their territory. Old enemies and new races threaten traditional human lands on all sides. Yet the human race survives, defending their remaining

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Guild Wars 2 - Races - Asura

by Killer Squirrel on 03-24-2012 at 05:37 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Killer Squirrel View Post

"Brain, not brawn, will change the world."

The diminutive asura are the smartest people in Tyria. Just ask them; they will tell you. Once, they were the undisputed masters of a powerful underground civilization, but were driven to the surface by the Great Destroyer, the herald of the Elder Dragon Primordus.
Since their arrival

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Guild Wars 2 - Races - Charr

by Killer Squirrel on 03-24-2012 at 05:33 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Killer Squirrel View Post


"With the roar of engines and the thunder of guns, we rip each day from life's teeth."

The feline charr of Tyria are a victorious race challenged by their own success. They have survived defeat, oppression, and civil war. They have returned, reconquered, and rebuilt their original homes.

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Guild Wars 2 - Races - Norn

by Killer Squirrel on 03-24-2012 at 05:32 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Killer Squirrel View Post

"If you are bold enough, your legend will live forever."

The norn are a race of valiant, shape-changing barbarians. Boisterous, strong-willed, and passionate, the norn are an independent people that swear fealty to no single being. They thrive in their mountain stronghold by the sharpness of their

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Guild Wars 2 - Races - Sylvari

by Killer Squirrel on 03-24-2012 at 05:30 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Killer Squirrel View Post

"Evil threatens Tyria, but our Dream will guide us through darkness to dawn."

The sylvari are an enigma. Humanoid in form, plantlike in nature, they are recent arrivals in Tyria and have roamed the world for only twenty-five years. They are all born of a single parent—the mighty Pale Tree that dominates the Tarnished

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Awards Showcase - 4 Awards
Image Description

Name: Guild Influence Award Level 2
This award is for adding 5,000 Influence to the guild. The Gaming Standard and your fellow guild members thank you!
Issue time: 02-12-2013 10:50 PM
Issue reason:

Name: Guild Donation Award Level 1
This award is for donating 15 items or 25 silver to the guild bank. The Gaming Standard and your fellow guild members thank you!
Issue time: 12-16-2012 05:54 PM
Issue reason: Donations, Donation, Donations!

Name: 1 Year Birthday Award
Given to SoX Members who joined within the first month of founding and stayed the entire first year without leaving. Your loyalty in the first year of SoX does not go without notice.
Issue time: 09-27-2012 06:54 PM
Issue reason: Loyalty to The Gaming Standard during our first year!

Name: The Epic Fail Award
The Epic Fail Award is given to the person who fails the hardest during the year. Congratulations, you have been nominated and voted on by your peers as the biggest failure. You have this award with honor for your epic fail! Now, try not to win it again.
Issue time: 09-27-2012 06:49 PM
Issue reason: For deleting "himself" from the xfire group while trying to add another member!