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  1. Games are for kids...

    On the surface of it, that comment may seem rather disparaging I suppose. But anyone with kids knows: games are for kids.

    My daughter Jasmine turns 6 on the 24th of this month, and already she is showing me that, despite my extreme pride and elation at basically tearing the code of Portal (original) to pieces when I first played the game, she can grasp the concepts faster. And it's only my years of using a mouse and keyboard in co-ordination that gives me the upper hand to solve the ...
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  2. Supply and Demand

    Hi pax!

    I wanted to give you all a rough idea of where I'm at in terms of time for development of the SoX site.

    Some of you who have known me since my days in TOG know I am somewhat of a workaholic when it comes to graphics and site development. The last 2 years I needed to dramatically step away from that to enjoy the true pleasure of being a parent; Jasmine is now better at Portals than I am. She's 6 in 11 days from today, and can already make it to level 16 unassisted. ...

    Updated 09-13-2011 at 05:42 AM by Ashlann (updated category)

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